Grievance Procedures for Students with Disabilities
In the event a student believes he/she has the basis for a grievance, the student
shall first have a conference with the person(s) associated with the grievance.
NFC employs a Student Ombudsman to provide information and support that a student
may need through the grievance process in attempt to resolve the concern.
If the student is not satisfied with the resolution, the student may contact the supervisor
of that staff member. Any concerns about the Disability Resource Center staff members
should be first directed to the Disability Specialist. If a student wishes to voice
concern for services provided by the Disability Specialist, the student should contact
the Coordinator of DRC, then the Dean of Student Affairs and Enrollment Services.
If the student is not satisfied at this level, he/she may appeal to the Vice President
of Student Affairs; the student may appeal once more to the President who will make
the final decision.